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Every image tells a story or evokes an emotion.
We believe that your framing should reflect the individuality of the art
and that custom framing is simply an extension of the art itself.
"The frame is the reward of the artist."
-Edgar Degas

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Sophisticated Lady

Tiger (with extension)

Fanciful Fish

Penguin Path

Family History

Revamped Shell Collection

Old Orchard
by Kristin Hurlin

By Jack Richard Smith in Chester Frame Company frame Available at Sutton's Bay Galleries

The Small Refuge
by Loetitia Pillault

Diviners and Sorceres, 1963
by Salvador Dalì,

Jena by Ken Scott
Raptor Rehab

3 Pears Still Life
by Cameron Farley

Cowhide Rug
In a Floater Frame

Morning Routine

Float Frame
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